The Arc’s position statements address critical issues related to human and civil rights, treatment, and services and programs for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. Position statements are used to advance The Arc’s public policy goals, as well as provide a platform for our state and local chapters to gain a national perspective for what The Arc stands for. They also serve to inform our constituency, stakeholders and the general public on the prevailing organizational view on key issues.
Creation of Position Statements - The President of The Arc appoints a committee to consider development of new position statements and the revision of existing position statements. The Arc works in conjunction with a committee appointed by the President of American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD). New position statements may be suggested by chapters or members of The Arc by writing to the President or the Executive Director. The drafts of new position statements and the existing position statements being considered for revision are circulated to all chapters for the opportunity to comment. These comments are incorporated into the final drafts for consideration by the Boards of Directors of The Arc and AAIDD and voting by The Arc's Congress of Delegates.
Position Statement Categories:
Quality of Life - The primary goal is for all persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, is to enjoy and maintain a good quality of life. Rights People with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities have the same basic legal, civil and human rights as other citizens. They may need accommodation, protection and support to enable them to exercise these rights. Their rights should never be limited or restricted without due process.
Rights - People with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities1 have the same basic legal, civil and human rights as other citizens. They may need accommodation, protection and support to enable them to exercise these rights. Their rights should never be limited or restricted without due process.
Life in the Community - All people, regardless of disability, deserve the opportunity for a full life in their community where they can live, learn, work, and play alongside each other through all stages of life. People with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities need varying degrees of support to reach personal goals and establish a sense of satisfaction with their lives.
Systems - Systems are necessary to support people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and their families to enable them to live their lives like other people. These support systems must be of high quality and focused on the people and their families, not the staff.